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Quire Linked Art Extension

The Quire Linked Art Extension enables the retrieval and ingestion of Linked Art data and IIIF images via Quire’s command-line interface, seamlessly merging them into a Quire project. It interacts with Linked Art records through their URIs, streamlining processes that previously required manual data entry. The video below showcases the extension’s functionality, demonstrating its use with Linked Art records accessed via the LUX and Getty APIs.

(.mp4 download)

Quire Linked Art Extension Installation

The Quire Linked Art Extension is available on the releases page of the EES2 project's GitHub repository. In the 'Assets' dropdown of the latest version, click on the '' link to download.

Once you have downloaded the Quire Linked Art Extension, visit our Training page for installation instructions.

Quire Linked Art Extension Documentation

The Linked Art command class for Quire is called add. Information about Quire’s command classes can be accessed by running quire help in the terminal. add is listed as follows:

add [options] <thing> <uri> [id1] [id2] Fetch Linked Art

All commands begin with quire. To run the add command, start by typing quire add in the terminal. The elements that follow quire add are arguments and options. The arguments and options included in the command determine what the software will do. Those in angled brackets are required, and those in square brackets are optional (except for [id1] when adding a figure to an existing object, see section 1.2)

1 Arguments

There are four arguments: <thing>, <uri>, [id1], and [id2].
<thing> can be object, object.figure, figure, or spreadsheet.
<uri> should be a Linked Art URI for one of the following types of records: HumanMadeObject, DigitalObject, or Activity.
[id1] and [id2] can be any string, or the word accession can be passed to use the accession number of the object as the ID.
The following sections explain how these arguments are used in commands to accomplish specific tasks.

1.1 Adding an object to objects.yaml

To add an object to objects.yaml, run:

quire add object <uri>

Optionally, the user can create their own ID for the object by running:

quire add object <uri> [id1]

If the user does not pass an ID, one will be automatically generated. The ID can be any string that is not already being used as an ID. The accession number of the object can be retrieved and used as the ID by passing the word accession as [id1].

1.2 Adding a figure to an existing object in objects.yaml

To add a figure to an existing object in objects.yaml, run:

quire add object.figure <uri> [id1]

[id1] is required here because the program needs to know which object to add the figure to. [id2] is optional and works the same way [id1] does when adding an object to objects.yaml.

quire add object <uri> [id1] [id2]

1.3 Adding a figure to figures.yaml

To add a figure to figures.yaml run:

quire add figure <uri> [id1]

As usual, a unique ID or the word accession can be passed as [id1]. If an ID is not provided, one will be generated.

1.4 Browse all Linked Art data for an object in a spreadsheet

The spreadsheet arg provides a way for the user to easily browse Linked Art by generating a CSV file containing all the fields of a Linked Art record and their values/contents in the project folder.

quire add spreadsheet <uri>

2 Choosing fields, field order, and field names

The user has the ability to choose which fields are retrieved from the Linked Art record, the order in which they are displayed, and their names. Field selection and order are handled by the object_display_order section of the objects.yaml file, and field names can be changed from defaults in the objectFieldNames section of the config.yaml file.

The object’s title and Linked Art URI will be retrieved regardless of their presence in the object_display_order. The extension relies on the URI for functionality such as duplicate prevention. To ensure optimal results, it is recommended to keep URIs in the objects listed in the object_list. However, the URI can be omitted from rendered content by excluding it from the object_display_order.

2.1 objects.yaml object_display_order

There are 21 fields currently supported by the Linked Art extension in addition to object title, which is always retrieved:

Credit line
Took place at
Encountered by
Find spot
Access statement
Linked Art URI
Web Page
Thumbnail Link

To choose fields to retrieve and their order of appearance, simply include them in the object_display_order list in the desired order. The fields are rendered with the same names and in the same order as they appear in this section.

IMPORTANT: the field names in the object_display_order section of objects.yaml must match the names provided in the objectFieldNames section of config.yaml

2.2 config.yaml objectFieldNames

The user can choose the names of the fields by changing the default names in config.yaml. The following are the internal names (left) and default/chosen names (right) as they appear in config.yaml:

creator: creator
type: type
year: year
period: period
dimensions: dimensions
materials: materials
location: location
accession: accession
creditLine: credit line
set: set
owner: owner
tookPlaceAt: took place at
encounteredBy: encountered by
encounterPlace: find spot
accessStatement: access statement
uri: linked art uri
webPage: web page
thumbnailImg: thumbnail link
description: description
citations: citations
provenance: provenance

The internal names should not be changed, as these are mapped for the successful retrieval of Linked Art data. To change a field name, change the value assigned to the internal name here in the objectFieldNames section of config.yaml. For example:

creator: creator => creator: artist name

Remember to then change the field name in the object_display_order of objects.yaml as well.

3 Processing Multiple URIs and ‘activity’ URIs

It is possible to process multiple URIs at once by passing the URIs in double quotations and separated by spaces.

quire add object “<uri1> <uri2> … <uriN>”

It is also possible to process multiple URIs by passing a URI of a Linked Art record of the ‘activity’ type. An ‘activity’ in Linked Art, such as an exhibition, can involve multiple objects. To begin processing all the objects in an ‘activity’ record, run a command as it were any other type of record:

quire add <thing> <uri>

The program will detect that the URI is an ‘activity’ URI and start an interaction:

The provided URI is of type 'Activity' and may be used to access a set of object URIs.
Enter 'p' to process all the objects in the set.
Enter 's' to generate a spreadsheet of information about the objects.
Enter 'b' to do both.

After a selection is made, the program will process all the objects in the ‘activity’ record and/or generate a spreadsheet of information about the objects.

4 Options

There are five options: --dry-run, --force, --resize, --interactive, and --select.

4.1 Preview an entry before adding to objects.yaml or figures.yaml

The user has the option to preview an entry before it is added to objects.yaml or figures.yaml by using the --dry-run option. When --dry-run is passed, an entry will not be added and an image will not be downloaded. Instead, the entry will be logged in the console for the user to see.

quire add <thing> <uri> [id1] [id2] --dry-run

4.2 Refetching Linked Art and overwriting cache

When the user runs commands that retrieve Linked Art data and figures, the data and figure hashes will be added to caches. When a URI that has been passed is passed again, the program will retrieve Linked Art data from the cache instead of making new http requests to refetch the data.

The user has the ability to change the fields they wish to retrieve as they work on their project. Therefore, there could be cases where the user passes a URI they have passed before, but wishes to retrieve fields that are not in the cache. The ‘--force’ option allows the user to ignore cache and refetch Linked Art to retrieve the desired fields. The cache and objects.yaml entries for the URI are overwritten.

quire add <thing> <uri> [id1] [id2] --force

4.3 Resizing images

By default, full-size images of objects are retrieved. The --resize option allows the user to resize images if they wish to download a version with a smaller file size.

quire add <thing> <uri> [id1] [id2] --resize

When ‘--resize’ is passed, an interaction will start:

Enter the number or percentage of pixels for resizing (e.g., 800 for pixels, or 50% for percentage). This will be applied to the largest dimension (width or height), and the other dimension will be scaled proportionally.
The largest dimension is [dimension] at [number] pixels.

After entering the number or percentage of pixels for resizing, the image will be resized accordingly before being downloaded as usual.

4.4 Selecting fields in interactive mode

The primary method of selecting the fields to be retrieved is by including the field names in the object_display_list at the top of the objects.yaml file. The --interactive option provides an alternative way of making this selection.

quire add <thing> <uri> [id1] [id2] --interactive

When --interactive is passed, an interaction will start:

Interactive Linked Art entry building has been initialized.
Choose the Linked Art data fields you would like to retrieve by entering a comma-separated list.
Note: object title and Linked Art URI are always included in the entries and therefore are not present in the list of options.
artist, type, year, period, dimensions, materials, location, accession, credit line, set, owner, took place at, encountered by, find spot, access statement, web page, thumbnail link, description, citations, provenance

After entering a comma-separated list of fields, the module disregards the object_display_order and retrieves the fields in the list in the order they were provided.

4.5 Selecting objects in 'activity' record

When --select is passed along with an ‘activity’ URI, a list of creators of the objects included in the record and their types will be presented. This initiates an interactive selection process:

Please select the URIs you would like to process based on creators and object types (e.g., "creators: raphael, vincent van gogh AND/OR types: drawing, painting"):

After entering the selection in the required format, only the objects that meet the criteria will be processed.

Note: A spreadsheet is generated and used to facilitate filtering URIs based on the chosen creators and object types. This option requires that ‘b’ (both spreadsheet generation and processing) is selected in the interaction explained in Section 3. The --select option will not work if ‘p’ (process only) is chosen, as no spreadsheet will be generated in that mode.