Linked Art Schema: Object

Type: object

A human-made object, part thereof, or a natural object with value imbued through interaction with human culture.
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: object

Either an array of contexts, or a string containing the Linked Art context URI

Type: const
Value: ""
Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Type: string

The class of the entity


Type: const
Value: "HumanMadeObject"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers


"Georgia O'Keeffe"
"Blue by Georgia O'Keeffe"
"New Haven, CT"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Name or an Identifier

Type: object

A name of an entity
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Name"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: string

The string representation of a Name, Identifier, Statement or other text

Type: array

A reference to one or more Language entities in which the content of this text is written

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a Language

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Language"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A list of one or more Name structures, which are parts of this Name

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A name of an entity
See: API | Model

Same definition as Name


    "type": "Name",
    "content": "Georgia O'Keeffe"
    "type": "Name",
    "content": "Blue",
    "classified_as": [
            "id": "",
            "type": "Type",
            "_label": "Primary Name"
    "language": [
            "id": "",
            "type": "Language",
            "_label": "English"
Type: object

An identifier for an entity
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Identifier"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: string

The string representation of a Name, Identifier, Statement or other text

Same definition as content

Type: array

A list of one or more Identifier structures, which are parts of this Identifier

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An identifier for an entity
See: API | Model

Same definition as Identifier

Type: array

The activity through which this Identifier was assigned to the entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An activity which involves the assignment of some value to some entity, often with an explicit relationship between value and entity

Same definition as AttributeAssignment

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A concept or 'Type' in the taxonomic sense
See: API | Model

Same definition as Concept

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Linguistic Object Reference, Digitial Object Reference or Statement

Type: object

An embedded, relatively short piece of textual content
See: API | Model

Same definition as Statement
Type: object
dig:D1_Digital_Object See: [Schema](digital.html)

Reference to a DigitalObject

Same definition as DigitalObjectRef
Type: object

Reference to a LinguisticObject
See: Schema

Same definition as LinguisticObjectRef

Type: array

A reference to one or more other identities for this entity, such as in external vocabularies or systems

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to another primary entity
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "HumanMadeObject"
  • "Person"
  • "Group"
  • "VisualItem"
  • "LinguisticObject"
  • "Set"
  • "Place"
  • "DigitalObject"
  • "Type"
  • "Event"
  • "Activity"
  • "Period"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label
Type: array

List of HumanMadeObject entities

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a HumanMadeObject
See: Schema

Same definition as part_of

Type: array

A reference to one or more VisualItem entities which depict this entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a VisualItem
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "VisualItem"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A reference to one or more Set entities of which this entity is a member

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a Set
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Set"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

One or more human-readable web pages or other digital objects where the focus of the content is this entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object
dig:D1_Digital_Object See: [Schema](digital.html)

Reference to a DigitalObject

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "DigitalObject"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

One or more AttributeAssignments that relate some other entity to this one

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An activity which involves the assignment of some value to some entity, often with an explicit relationship between value and entity

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "AttributeAssignment"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Same definition as referred_to_by

Type: array

A Place at which this event occured

Same definition as took_place_at

Type: object

A TimeSpan which describes the date-time range during which this event occured

Same definition as timespan

Type: array

Another event which caused this event to occur

Same definition as caused_by

Type: array

A reference to a Person or Group which carried out this activity

Same definition as carried_out_by

Type: array

An object or set of things which was used to carry out this activity

Same definition as used_specific_object

Type: array

A Person, Group or Object that influenced the activity in some way

Same definition as influenced_by

Type: array

A general technique that was employed to carry out this activity

Same definition as technique

Type: object

Attribute Assignments can assign any entity, structure or value

Type: string

The relationship from the attributed entity to the assigned entity, given as a string which resolves to a relationship in the context definition

Type: array

One or more Dimension structures that describe this entity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A measurable aspect of an entity, with a numeric value, a unit for that value, and a type relative to the entity
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Dimension"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: number

The numeric value of a Dimension or MonetaryAmount



Type: number

The lowest possible value for the Dimension or MonetaryAmount



Type: number

The highest possible value for the Dimension or MonetaryAmount



Type: object

Reference to the MeasurementUnit for this dimension

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "MeasurementUnit"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

The Measurement(s) that led to the assigning of this dimension

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An activity which involves the assignment of some value to some entity, often with an explicit relationship between value and entity

Same definition as AttributeAssignment

Type: array

One or more Material types of which this object is made

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a Material

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Material"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: object

Another Human-Made Object of which this Object is part

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "HumanMadeObject"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object
crm:E22_Human-Made_Object No Additional Properties

Type: const
Value: "HumanMadeObject"

Type: string

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Name or an Identifier

Same definition as NameOrIdentifier

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A concept or 'Type' in the taxonomic sense
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Type"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Linguistic Object Reference or Statement

Type: object

An embedded, relatively short piece of textual content
See: API | Model

No Additional Properties

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "LinguisticObject"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: string

The string representation of a Name, Identifier, Statement or other text

Same definition as content

Type: array

A reference to one or more Language entities in which the content of this text is written

Same definition as language

Type: string

The media type of the content of the embedded text, e.g. text/plain


Type: object

Reference to a LinguisticObject
See: Schema

Same definition as LinguisticObjectRef

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A measurable aspect of an entity, with a numeric value, a unit for that value, and a type relative to the entity
See: API | Model

Same definition as Dimension

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a Material

Same definition as MaterialRef

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object
crm:E22_Human-Made_Object Same definition as HumanMadeObjectPart

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a VisualItem
See: Schema

Same definition as VisualItemRef

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a LinguisticObject
See: Schema

Same definition as LinguisticObjectRef

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a VisualItem
See: Schema

Same definition as VisualItemRef

Type: array

The current owner (a Person or Group) of this object

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Reference to a Person or Group

Type: object

Reference to a Person
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Person"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label
Type: object

Reference to a Group
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Group"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

The current custodian (a Person or Group) of this object, if different from its owner

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Reference to a Person or Group

Same definition as PersonRefOrGroupRef

Type: array

The current normal custodian (a Person or Group) if different from the current custodian, for example an object that is owned by an individual, currently in an exhibition, and normally under the custody of an organization

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Reference to a Person or Group

Same definition as PersonRefOrGroupRef

Type: object

The current location (a Place) of this object

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Place"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

Activities that this entity was used for.

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An activity carried out by some person or group

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Activity"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Same definition as referred_to_by

Type: array

A Place at which this event occured

Same definition as took_place_at

Type: object

A TimeSpan which describes the date-time range during which this event occured

Same definition as timespan

Type: array

Another event which caused this event to occur

Same definition as caused_by

Type: array

A reference to a Person or Group which carried out this activity

Same definition as carried_out_by

Type: array

An object or set of things which was used to carry out this activity

Same definition as used_specific_object

Type: array

A Person, Group or Object that influenced the activity in some way

Same definition as influenced_by

Type: array

A general technique that was employed to carry out this activity

Same definition as technique

Type: array

A reference to a VisualItem that this object shows the image content of

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a VisualItem
See: Schema

Same definition as VisualItemRef

Type: array

A reference to a LinguisticObject that this object carries the textual content of

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a LinguisticObject
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "LinguisticObject"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: object

The Production activity which created this object

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Production"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Same definition as referred_to_by

Type: array

A Place at which this event occured

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Reference to a Place entity
See: Schema

Same definition as current_location

Type: object

A TimeSpan which describes the date-time range during which this event occured

No Additional Properties

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "TimeSpan"

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: string

The earliest possible date-time at which the timespan could have started

Type: string

The latest possible date-time at which the timespan could have started

Type: string

The earliest possible date-time at which the timespan could have ended

Type: string

The latest possible date-time at which the timespan could have ended

Type: object

A Dimension that describes the duration of the timespan within any given date-times

Same definition as Dimension

Type: array

Another event which caused this event to occur

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array

A reference to a Person or Group which carried out this activity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Reference to a Person or Group

Same definition as PersonRefOrGroupRef

Type: array

An object or set of things which was used to carry out this activity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Type: object

Reference to a HumanMadeObject
See: Schema

Same definition as HumanMadeObjectRef
Type: object

Reference to a Set
See: Schema

Same definition as SetRef

Type: array

A Person, Group or Object that influenced the activity in some way

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A Reference to a Human Made Object,Person or Group

Type: object

Reference to a HumanMadeObject
See: Schema

Same definition as HumanMadeObjectRef
Type: object

Reference to a Person
See: Schema

Same definition as PersonRef
Type: object

Reference to a Group
See: Schema

Same definition as GroupRef

Type: array

A general technique that was employed to carry out this activity

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A concept or 'Type' in the taxonomic sense
See: API | Model

Same definition as Concept

Type: object

An identified event or activity which this activity is part of

Type: object

Reference to an Event
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Event"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label
Type: object

Reference to an Activity
See: Schema

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The URI of the entity

Same definition as id

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Activity"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

The production/creation of the object

Same definition as produced_by

Type: object

The Destruction event in which this object was destroyed

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "Destruction"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Same definition as referred_to_by

Type: array

A Place at which this event occured

Same definition as took_place_at

Type: object

A TimeSpan which describes the date-time range during which this event occured

Same definition as timespan

Type: array

Another event which caused this event to occur

Same definition as caused_by

Type: object

An identified event or activity which this event is part of

Same definition as part_of

Type: array

One or more PartRemoval activities in which this object was removed from another object

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

The activity of removing this object from some other object.

Type: string

The class of the entity

Same definition as General
Type: const
Value: "PartRemoval"

Type: string

A human readable name or label for the entity, intended for developers

Same definition as _label

Type: array

A Name or Identifier that identifies the entity

Same definition as identified_by

Type: array

A Type which classifies this entity beyond the class given in the type property

Same definition as classified_as

Type: array

An embedded statement about this entity, or a reference to a text that refers to the entity

Same definition as referred_to_by

Type: array

A Place at which this event occured

Same definition as took_place_at

Type: object

A TimeSpan which describes the date-time range during which this event occured

Same definition as timespan

Type: array

Another event which caused this event to occur

Same definition as caused_by

Type: array

A reference to a Person or Group which carried out this activity

Same definition as carried_out_by

Type: array

An object or set of things which was used to carry out this activity

Same definition as used_specific_object

Type: array

A Person, Group or Object that influenced the activity in some way

Same definition as influenced_by

Type: array

A general technique that was employed to carry out this activity

Same definition as technique

Type: object

An identified event or activity which this activity is part of

Same definition as part_of

Type: object

A reference to the object which the object was removed from

Same definition as part_of