HAL Links
- activityUsedObject: Return the activities that used the object.
- conceptInfluencedByObject: Return the concepts that were influenced by the object.
- objectPartOfObject: Return the objects that are part of the object.
- objectProductionInfluencedByObject: Return the objects whose production was influenced by the object.
- workAboutObject: Return the works that are about or have a subject of the object.
- workAboutOrRepresentsObject: Return the works that are about or represent the object.
- workRepresentsObject: Return the visual works that represent or depict the object.
- activityUsedWork: Return the activities that used the work.
- conceptInfluencedByWork: Return the concepts that were influenced by the work.
- objectCarriesWork: Return the objects that carry the linguistic work.
- objectProductionInfluencedByWork: Return the objects whose production was influenced by the work.
- objectShowsWork: Return the objects that show the visual work.
- workAboutOrRepresentsWork: Return the works that are either about or represent the work.
- workAboutWork: Return the works that are about or have a subject of the work.
- workPartOfWork: Return the works that are part of the work.
- workRepresentsWork: Return the works that represent or depict the work.
- activityCarriedOutByAgent: Return the activities that were carried out by the person or group.
- activityParticipantAgent: Return the activities in which the person or group participated but did not carry out directly.
- agentMemberOfGroup: Return the people or groups that are members of the group.
- conceptInfluencedByAgent: Return the concepts that were influenced by the person or group.
- groupFoundedByAgent: Return the groups that were founded by the person or group.
- objectCuratedByAgent: Return the objects that are curated, looked after, or otherwise are in the custody of the person or group.
- objectEncounteredByAgent: Return the objects that were discovered or encountered by the person or group.
- objectOwnedByAgent: Return the objects that are owned by the person or group.
- objectProducedByAgent: Return the objects that were produced, in whole or in part, by the person or group.
- objectProductionInfluencedByAgent: Return the objects whose production was influenced by the person or group.
- setCreatedByAgent: Return the sets or collections that were created, in whole or in part, by the person or group.
- workAboutAgent: Return the works that are about or have a subject of the person or group.
- workAboutOrRepresentsAgent: Return the works that are either about or depict the person or group.
- workCreatedByAgent: Return the works that were created, in whole or in part, by the person or group.
- workPublishedByAgent: Return the works that are published by the person or group.
- workRepresentsAgent: Return the visual works that represent or depict the person or group.
- activityTookPlaceAtPlace: Return the activities that took place at the place.
- agentActiveAtPlace: Return the people or groups who were active at the place.
- agentBornOrFormedAtPlace: Return the people or groups who were born or formed at the place.
- agentDiedOrDissolvedAtPlace: Return the people or groups who died or were dissolved at the place.
- agentResidentAtPlace: Return the people or groups who are or were resident at the place.
- conceptInfluencedByPlace: Return the concepts whose creation was influenced by the place.
- groupActiveAtPlace: Return the groups who were active at the place.
- groupDissolvedAtPlace: Return the groups that were dissolved at the place.
- groupFormedAtPlace: Return the groups that were formed at the place.
- objectCurrentPlace: Return the objects that are, as far as the system knows, currently at the place.
- objectEncounteredAtPlace: Return the objects that were encountered at the place.
- objectProducedAtPlace: Return the objects that were produced, in whole or in part, at the place.
- objectProductionInfluencedByPlace: Return the objects whose production was influenced by the place.
- personActiveAtPlace: Return the people who were active at the place.
- personBornAtPlace: Return the people who were born at the place.
- personDiedAtPlace: Return the people who died at the place.
- placePartOfPlace: Return the places which are part of the place.
- setCreatedAtPlace: Return the sets which were created at the place.
- workAboutOrRepresentsPlace: Return works that are about or depict the place.
- workAboutPlace: Return the works that are about or have a subject of the place.
- workCreatedAtPlace: Return the works that were created, in whole or in part, at the place.
- workPublishedAtPlace: Return the works that were published at the place.
- workRepresentsPlace: Return the visual works that represent or depict the place.
- activityClassifiedAsConcept: Return the activities that are classified as the concept.
- agentClassifiedAsConcept: Return the people or groups that are classified as the concept.
- conceptBroaderConcept: Return the concepts that have a broader relationship to the concept (e.g. are narrower concepts)
- conceptClassifiedAsConcept: Return the concepts that are classified as the concept.
- conceptInfluencedByConcept: Return the concepts that are influenced by the concept.
- objectClassifiedAsConcept: Return the objects that are classified as the concept.
- objectMadeOfMaterial: Return the objects which are made of the material.
- objectProductionTechniqueConcept: Return the objects whose production has a technique of the concept.
- placeClassifiedAsConcept: Return the places that are classified as the concept.
- setClassifiedAsConcept: Return the sets that are classified as the concept.
- workAboutConcept: Return the works that are about the concept.
- workAboutOrRepresentsConcept: Return the works that are about or depict the concept.
- workClassifiedAsConcept: Return the works that are classified as the concept.
- workCreationTechniqueConcept: Return the works whose creation has a technique of the concept.
- workLanguageLanguage: Return the works that are written or in the language.
- workRepresentsConcept: Return the visual works that represent or depict the concept, or an instance of the concept
- activityCausedByActivity: Return the activities that were caused by the event or activity.
- activityPartOfActivity: Return the periods, events or activities that were part of the period, event or activity.
- conceptCreationCausedByActivity: Return the concepts whose creation was caused by the event or activity.
- conceptInfluencedByActivity: Return the concepts that were influenced by the period, event or activity.
- objectDestructionCausedByActivity: Return the objects whose destruction was caused by the event or activity.
- objectProductionCausedByActivity: Return the objects whose production was caused by the event or activity.
- personDeathCausedByActivity: Return the people whose death was caused by the event or activity.
- setCreationCausedByActivity: Return the sets whose creation was caused by the event or activity.
- workAboutActivity: Return the works that are about or have a subject of the period, event or activity.
- workAboutOrRepresentsActivity: Return the works that are about or represent the period, event or activity.
- workCreationCausedByActivity: Return the works whose creation was caused by the event or activity.
- workRepresentsActivity: Return the works that are represent or depict the period, event or activity.
- activityUsedSet: Return activities which used the set.
- conceptInfluencedBySet: Return concepts which were influenced by the set.
- conceptMemberOfSet: Return concepts which are members of the set.
- entityMemberOfSet: Return entities which are members of the set.
- objectMemberOfSet: Return objects which are members of the set.
- placeMemberOfSet: Return places which are members of the set.
- setMemberOfSet: Return the sets which are members of the set.
- temporalMemberOfSet: Return periods, events and activities which are members of the set.
- workAboutOrRepresentsSet: Return the works which are about or represent the set.
- workAboutSet: Return works which are about the set.
- workMemberOfSet: Return works which are members of the set.
- workRepresentsSet: Return visual works which represent or depict the set.