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This page provides additional background material for the Linked Art questionnaire.

Code Notebooks webinar presentations

The AHRC-funded Linked Art II project and Digital Scholarship at Oxford held a webinar on Tuesday 3 May 2022. In this webinar, Research Software Engineer Tanya Gray guided attendees through a practical exploration of transforming, reconciling, and visualising Linked Art, using real-world data from museums and galleries worldwide. These were be demonstrated using ‘code notebooks’ developed during the Linked Art II project and implemented in Jupyter. The notebooks provide step-by-step illustration and explanation, and can provide a foundation for further customisation.

The slides from the webinar are available:

Linked Art workshop

Linked Art ran a 2 hour workshop at the CIDOC 2020 conference providing a wealth of background motivation and detail, a recording of which can be found below.

The workshop included: - An overview of the Linked Art initiative and community (00:00) - A technical introduction to the Linked Art profile and overview of the core principles (from 00:14) (also available separately in the next section) - The Van Gogh Worldwide project and its use of the Linked Art model (from 00:34) Followed by audience Q&A - A live encoding of data from the Rijksmuseum into Linked Art (from 01:35)

Watch the video

Video length is 1 hour 53 minutes.

Linked Art Profile - overview

A short (20 minute) technical introduction to the Linked Art profile:

Watch the video

Video length is 19 minutes.

Linked Data

Linked Art is a targeted and focussed realisation of Linked Data. This video gives a quick 12 minute introduction to what Linked Data is.

Watch the video

Video length is 12 minutes.


JSON-LD is serialisation format for Linked Data that is used to represent descriptions of artworks as Linked Art. This video gives a quick 13 minute introduction to JSON-LD:

Watch the video

Video length is 13 minutes.

Jupyter Notebook

For those new to Jupyter Notebooks, we recommend you watch this short 7 minute introduction:

Watch the video

Video length is 7 minutes.

Linked Art Jupyter Code Notebooks

For convenience, here is an annotated list of all the code notebooks from Section 2 of the questionnaire.

The different types of Jupyter notebooks: - Transform - transformations using real-world collections data - Reconcile - reconciliation of collections data with authoritative data on geographical place names - Visualise - visualisation using Linked Art JSON-LD

Notebook type Notebook Download nbviewer Binder
Transform Indianapolis Museum of Art download nbviewer Binder
Transform Philadelphia Museum of Art download nbviewer Binder
Transform Cleveland Museum of Art download nbviewer Binder
Transform Cleveland Museum of Art - simplified download nbviewer Binder
Transform National Gallery of Art download nbviewer Binder
Transform Harvard Art Museum download nbviewer Binder
Transform Rijksmuseum download nbviewer Binder
Transform Ashmolean Museum download nbviewer Binder
Transform John Ruskin artworks - Transform Data download nbviewer Binder
Reconcile John Ruskin artworks - Reconcile place names download nbviewer Binder
Visualise John Ruskin artworks - Timeline download nbviewer Binder
Visualise John Ruskin artworks - StoryMap download nbviewer Binder